Signed Distributor Agreement with Taiwan YES For Distribution Of Deep Ocean Water Products

Signed Distributor Agreement with Taiwan YES For Distribution Of Deep Ocean Water Products

INNEOVA Life Pte Ltd has signed a Distributor Agreement with Taiwan YES for distribution of their Deep Ocean Water Products in Singapore on 23 July 2024. Taiwan YES is the leading manufacturer of Deep Ocean Water (DOW) in Taiwan, where DOW is access from an Ocean depth of 662m at Hualian, Taiwan, by deploying world…

Signed MoU with Kung Long Ocean Biotech (Taiwan) For Distribution in Asia Pacific Region

Signed MoU with Kung Long Ocean Biotech (Taiwan) For Distribution in Asia Pacific Region

INNEOVA Life Pte Ltd has signed a MoU with Kung Long Ocean Biotech (Taiwan) on 26 Jun 2024. Kung Long Biotech is one of the leading manufacturers of Deep Ocean Water (DOW) in Taiwan, using state of the art technologies to pump from an estimated ocean depth of 618m at Hualian, Taiwan, to produce high…

INNEOVA Life Appointed As HAECHUNMA Distributor For Asia Pacific, Middle East and Europe

INNEOVA Life Appointed As HAECHUNMA Distributor For Asia Pacific, Middle East and Europe

INNEOVA Life Pte Ltd is appointed as distributor of HAECHUNMA CO. Ltd for Asia Pacific, Middle East and Europe with effective from 8 July 2024. HAECHUNMA (海天马) is a global leader in Seahorse farming and product research & development on seahorse related health and beauty products. (Website : Professor Rho Sum is the CEO…

The environmental impacts of Deep Ocean Water

The environmental impacts of Deep Ocean Water

As the world grapples with the challenges of sustainable development, innovative solutions are essential. Deep Ocean Water (DOW), sourced from the depths of the ocean, emerges as a multifaceted resource that not only promotes human health but also supports environmental sustainability and economic growth.  The Environmental Impact of Deep Ocean Water Sustainable Resource Utilization: Unlike…

What if there is a kind of water better than the water we have been drinking all the time? 

What if there is a kind of water better than the water we have been drinking all the time? 

In a world where health and wellness take center stage, finding natural, effective solutions is paramount. A recent study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition highlights the promising benefits of deep ocean mineral water (DOM) in enhancing endurance and performance in high-intensity exercise. This article delves into the key findings…

How is Deep Ocean Water used in the world we live in today?

How is Deep Ocean Water used in the world we live in today?

Apart from drinking Deep Ocean Water (DOW), the versatility of DOW extends beyond hydration. It is used in various applications including: Nutritional Supplements: Concentrated DOW is formulated into supplements to provide a convenient source of essential minerals. Cosmetics: DOW is increasingly incorporated into skincare products for its hydrating and rejuvenating properties. Agriculture: The mineral profile…

How is Deep Ocean Water extracted?

How is Deep Ocean Water extracted?

Deep Sea Water (DOW) is a pristine resource, revered for its purity and mineral richness. Extracting this invaluable water, involves a meticulous and environmentally conscious process that ensures both quality and sustainability. The Extraction Process Location Selection: The journey begins with selecting an ideal extraction site.  Deep Water Sourcing: DOW is sourced from depths exceeding…